The Pizza-loving Typical Girl, Malala

Malala Yousafzai had received a Nobel Prize and considered as the most powerful campaigners in the world.

But according to the documentary created by Davis Guggenheim, Malala is just like any typical teenage girl.

The small details of Malala's life are as compelling as the larger picture: the manner she liked better cupcakes and prefer it to sweets; that she also loves pizza; that while she was younger, she spent extra moment in time fixing of her locks; how she attempted to lighten her skin by means of honey, rosewater and buffalo milk, so she might be paler-skinned, similar to her mother.

These sides of Malala enables many to consider her as an ordinary girl even though it is apparent that Malala is very special.

Malala Yousafzai, is a young activist that motivated many people with the story of her life. At her age of 14, while she was on her way to school she was ambushed and shot in the head by a Taliban gunman in order to silence her advocacy of education for girls in the region of Pakistan. She won a Nobel Peace Prize last year.

Malala and her father had arranged the Malala Fund, it already contributed $3.5 million (£2.2m) to local services and worldwide scheme functioning to edify girls in Pakistan, Nigeria, Kenya, Sierra Leone and countries accommodating Syrian refugees. This year, the fund has given further grants to local leaders running towards alteration in their own countries.

"I want to continue my campaigning for the fund," she says, "and I'm really proud to have such a strong team. When I was young, I was interested in becoming a doctor, but then I thought becoming a prime minister is very important. But now I can't promise and I can't clarify. I am not sure. My fund work will continue, my work for education will continue, but in terms of a job, I don't know."

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