Your Food Cravings Are Not What You Think They Are- Experts Say

Everyone has cravings once in a while and apparently, most of the time, they are not what the body needs when you crave. The Daily Mail explained this phenomena about the human body and its longing for something to eat. Experts in the field of diet and health say that these cravings are actually messages that the body tells the person what he or she exactly needs.

An example would be, whenever someone craves for something sweet. Apparently, it's the body's way of saying that what the person really needs is "Chromium." It is important that one knows the equivalent of their cravings, so they won't end up binge eating on the wrong one.

Like it is usual that many of us crave for something salty and it is just unfortunate that most of us do eat the wrong food. We all know that when that happens, we try to find chips and other junks that are of no use to our health.

Nutritionist Dr. Marilyn Glenvile said that whenever you eat, the blood sugar goes high and insulin is being released. This would actually cause some imbalance in one's blood sugar.

She said this happens when one craves for something sweet, "If you are eating refined sugar and carbs they will hit your bloodstream fast and cause an imbalance in blood sugar.

"Your body will release more insulin to deal with this rapid rise in blood sugar.

"Once dealt with, the blood sugar levels will drop, but because you've generated the release of so much insulin, the levels will drop too low and you will soon feel like snacking on a bar of chocolate."

The leading nutritionist further explained that the more you feed this craving, the more you will only want for more of it. This is just on the area of sweets. It is highly advised that one makes a research about their other cravings.

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