Does McDonald's Colorado Offer a Marijuana Smoking Area?

It's already been a known fact that Colorado is the first state to legalize both medical and recreational marijuana. This may be great news for marijuana consumers as they would no longer be into hiding. Cannabis legalization provided several benefits for the state as it was able to generate a huge income from marijuana sales tax.

Much greater news then emerged which please stoners all over the state. Who would have thought that one of the biggest fast food chains would provide a pot smoking section? As per Mirror news website, numerous reports have been circulating that 15 of McDonald's franchise would convert their kiddie play place area into a pot smoking section.

As per the news website that the franchise would provide 15 smoking pods which is specifically designed to envelope the smoker while smoking a joint, a blunt or even a bong. In doing so, it gives the smoker the freedom to enjoy the pot, without causing much hassle.

Each pod is attached to a ventilation shaft which acts as an exhaust to eliminate the smoke in clouding the whole area. Tempting as it may seem, McDonald's however will not be selling drugs.

Though this may sound promising, the website later added that the whole news is a hoax. It was first reported by Now8News which is known as a satirical news website.

The news first emerged just this month, last October 5. It is when the news website stated that two restaurant chains in Denver, Colorado [a state in which pot is 100% legal] have already converted their play areas into a pot smoking section with the said pods. It then stated that 13 other franchise is already going through renovations by the end of this year.

Satirical news may have been released by the website which involved McDonald's, the fast food chain however have not released any statement in regards to this matter.

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