Joseph Gordon-Levitt Gushes About Being A Dad

In an interview for his new film, 'The Walk', Joseph Gordon-Levitt also gushed about his latest adventure yet.

The 34-year-old actor and his wife Tasha McCauley welcomed their first baby in August and he just couldn't contain his joy on having a son.

"It's wonderful and it makes me really happy," Gordon-Levitt told Entertainment Tonight. "I am just so happy."

The HitRecord creator has been notoriously private about his personal life and rarely talked about his relationships. Both the couple's wedding and pregnancy were even kept under wraps.

"It wasn't that difficult because we didn't tell many people about it," Gordon-Levitt said of his wedding with the 'Fellow Robots' co-founder in Playboy's September issue. "As much as some people may disagree, I don't believe a person's private life -- even a person in entertainment -- is a public performance."

He also explained why it is so important for him to keep mum about his baby boy.

"I look at my son and I say he's awesome. He's gonna grow up and he's going to do such incredible things," he told ABC News last week. "But here's the thing - and this is why I feel private - I don't want him to feel the pressure of me having been on TV and saying that."

The new father also believes his mini-me would really go places.

"What if he just wants to, you know, go off and live in Tibet and be a monk and never be heard from again? I wanna support that and I want him to feel encouraged to do that," he said. "I don't want him thinking like, 'Oh God, my dad went on TV and told the world that I was gonna do great things."

"And you know what? I actually don't wanna do anything that the world is ever gonna really hear about,'" he added. "I'd like him to be able to speak for himself when he gets old enough. And I don't know if it's really my place to speak for him.

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