Golden Retriever Serves As Best Man At Veteran's Wedding

A golden retriever has always been by Justin Lansford's side through the hardest times and this is why the U.S. veteran gave his service dog, Gabe, the honor to be the best man on his wedding.

The Dodo reports Gabe stood by Justin as his bride, Carol, walked on the aisle at their wedding ceremony on Saturday. A dog might be an unlikely member of the entourage but the bride says it was a "no-brainer" that Gabe will be chosen as the groom's best man.

Three years ago, Justin was stationed in Afghanistan when an IED hit the truck he was riding in. His leg had to be amputated and he was sent back to the U.S.

While he was going through depression due to the indelible loss, Justin was introduced to Gabe, a trained service dog from Warrior Canine Connection. Since then, the duo has been inseparable.

"Gabe goes everywhere with Justin," Carol told The Dodo. "They are pretty much joined at the hip."

Carol has also loved Gabe so much adding the adorable dog is really more than just a pet.

"He helps us every day in so many ways, especially little daily tasks," she said. "If Justin drops something, he's right there to pick it up for him. He opens the door for him, or helps get something out of the refrigerator. If Justin ever falls, he's always right there to help him back up. Every day he's doing something for Justin."

Even until the wedding day, Gabe fulfilled his best man duties and kept Justin him relaxed.

"He was with them as they walked down the aisle, wearing formal army attire and even a little bow tie. You can't help but love that dog," said wedding photographer Brad Hall. "You can see the dog is such a huge part of their lives."

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