Mayim Bialik Blog: 'Big Bang Theory' Actress Defends Her Reasons Behind Blogging on Divorce

Mayim Bialik's has finalized her divorce and has no problems sharing her feelings about it. "The Big Bang Theory" actress has gone into detail about why she began blogging about her recent split with ex-husband Michael Stone. 

The Emmy-nominated actress told "Access Hollywood" that divorce is not fun and blogging was her way of dealing with the pain. 

"I wanted to write about some of the more complicated aspects," she said. "And specifically, also, there's certain things [related] to Jewish divorce that people don't know about."

Bialik has been writing blogs for Kveller, a site devoted to Jewish parenting. According to ABC News, Bialik's writing has received negative attention because of her belief in "attachment parenting," lengthy breastfeeding and now her feelings on divorce.

The actress reveal that the Jewish religion requires an individual to become divorced twice. Bialik explained that part of the process, is going through something called a "Get." The process includes sitting in a room with your ex-spouse-to-be and watching as a document, more than a thousand years old, is filled out. 

"To me, it was a very cathartic, very emotionally powerful sense of closure for us. It's very intense," Bialik said. "So I wrote for Kveller about some of those aspects in hopes to kind of maybe [be] helpful to other people or other women."

Bialik said she hopes her blog will help other women in the Jewish faith get through their own difficult time, if they were ever to get divorced.  

The 37-year-old said her two boys, Miles age 7 and Frederick age 4 remained her No. 1 priority as her family transitioned through the divorce this past May, according to ABC News.  

"Divorce is not fun and I don't recommend it, but kids are absolutely resilient and they are also very sensitive and complicated little people," Bislik said, according to ABC News. "So, it's been a summer of adjustment, but I'm happy to report they are doing really well. Their dad is doing well and we communicate really well."

Bialik, who has a PhD in neuroscience, was recently named the spokeswoman for the STEM Behind Hollywood initiative, which uses topics like zombies that appeal to children to get them interested in science.

"The idea is to teach the real math and science behind these things that we see in Hollywood," she said. "Like how a virus, maybe a zombie virus would spread." 

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