Justin Bieber and Louis Tomlinson Snapchat Sparked an All Out Social Media War

Justin Bieber, 21, posted a Snapchat video poking fun at One Direction on September 30. The 21-year-old singer exasperated Directioners and indicated that 1D should be scared, considering they're releasing their new album on the same day he's releasing his, but according to Louis Tomlinson, 23, latest Snapchat video, that is most certainly not the case.

Well, in response to that, being the master of sass and awesomeness - Louis threw in his fair share of diss.

The father-to-be reacted to the Biebs with a hilarious video of his own, which all but confirmed that they aren't taking Justin's diss very seriously. In the clip, which was just one in a series the group took during their London concert on Sept. 30, Louis appears to answer Justin's video by looking into the camera and saying, "That face you pull when you're playing the last night at the O2," before making the similar shocked face Justin himself made.

The O2, of course, is one of the world's most well-known venues, and One Direction is now coming off a whopping six shows there, all performed in the last week.

Justin's video appeared to have started an all out social media war between Belibers and Directioners, the 1D guys thought it was actually kind of funny. Harry and the rest of the guys, including Niall all get along with Justin. The 1D guys thought it was actually funny after seeing Beiber's snapchat video about his album release date.

It seems the Biebs' diss only sparked some friendly competition and not a dispute. Justin's video included he recorded himself saying, "The face you make when you come out with an album the same day as Justin Bieber," and proceeded to make a horrified face. Clearly, these guys are just goofing around and having some fun before their big Friday the 13th releases.

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