You've Been 'Probably' Pronouncing Nutella Wrong

Have you been saying it wrong?

The world's most loved hazelnut spread, Nutella has reportedly been making waves recently as its fans discovered how to correctly pronounce the brand name.

According to the brand's website, the official way to say it is 'new-tell-uh' and not 'nuh-tell-uh' which has been popularly used by American fans nor 'nut-tell-uh' which is pronounced by the Brits.

Although the right pronunciation is already written on their FAQ page, Ferrero-the Italian company that owns Nutella - still encourages people to be free to pronounce the spread as they wish.

In an interview with Buzzfeed, the spokesperson from Ferrero explains, "Ferrero aren't trying to encourage a common worldwide pronunciation on this."

Upon learning this fact, many fans were shocked and took their opinions on twitter.

One outraged fan said: "@zombiegoodwine I hate it when people pronounce nutella as newtella. It's NUTella. It has hazelNUTS in it. Stop."

While twitter one fan took it quite dramatically: "@sugarlips30: So apparently we don't pronounce Nutella correctly here in the UK......and now I feel like my entire life has been a lie."

Even Comedian Dan Mitchell refuses to accept the correct pronunciation from the website's FAQ's. 'Oh god, I just heard a man pronounce Nutella New-tella.'

It seems like die hard Nutella fans can't get over this revelation!

And in other Nutella related news, just recently Fox 11 reports, that a 24-year-old man was arrested in California after he punched a 74-year-old man in the face because of an apparent disagreement over Nutella samples in Burbank Costco.

The incident happened when Derrick Gharabighi, was accused of taking in too many free samples by the elderly man who wanted one for himself. According to reports, Gharabighi responded by hitting the old man's face, which sent him to the hospital with "significant laceration above his left eye and swelling around the same area of his face.''

Fox News reported that Gharabighi was put into jail in lieu of $50,000 bail and was charged with a single count of elder abuse.

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