What Do Critics think Of the New 'Heroes' Mini-Series?

It's been five years since NBC's Heroes was last on air. The TV series about a group of individuals with superhuman powers was one of the more successful shows of the mid-2000's, running for four well received seasons. Though the fanfare surrounding the show had fizzled by the time the series finale aired in 2010, NBC feels like the show's universe still has a lot left to offer.

Enter Heroes: Reborn, a new mini-series that functions as a sequel to the original run. This new batch of 13 episodes takes place years after the events of the series finale and follows a new group of super humans trying to save the world (or drive it into chaos).

Back in 2006, superheroes were a rare sight on TV. Now however, men in capes and masks are a dime a dozen on the small screen. Today's TV landscape is littered with the likes of Green Arrow, Daredevil, The Flash, and The Agents of Shield. Can Heroes keep up in a world already filled with this superhero hype? Let's see what the critics thought of last night's pilot episode.

The Atlantic's David Sims feels that the genre as a whole has evolved, and the novelty that the original Heroes had in 2006 has been eclipsed by the likes of DC and Marvel. He writes:

'...the interconnected worlds of Arrow and The Flash, and ABC's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Agent Carter, juggle large ensembles and complicated serial storytelling with ease. Heroes Reborn would have to do something drastically different to distinguish itself in 2015, but all it seems to offer so far is more of the same.'

IGN's Terri Schwartz was less harsh saying the pilot showed promise, but we'll have to wait and see how it turns out:

'Hopefully once the new characters develop more and some familiar faces pop back up the NBC drama will recapture the glory that made it such a hit to begin with.'

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