Chinese Chicken Feet Seized in Illegal Smuggling Bust

Chinese police officials have discovered an illegal food storage site in China.

According to the Huffington Post, police officials in China's southern city, Nanning, have reportedly seized chicken feet that's believed to be nearly a half century old.

The story, which was first reported by the South China Morning Post, said police officials reported more than 20 tons of expired meat was seized in the raid.

South China Morning Post, cited a Xinhua report, which noted the chicken were illegal brought over the border from Vietnam. During the time the chicken were still frozen. According to the report, once the chicken were in China, it was processed with various chemicals. One of the chemicals being bleach. The bleach is known to add weight and improve the coloring, making the chicken appear fresh.

Some of the meat include beef trip, cartilage and the aforementioned chicken feet, which according to the story dates back to 1967. The illegal food storage chain was busted in May of this year.

China's border police have intercepted seven different smuggling attempts in the past year, according to the South China Morning Post. They've seized about 20 million yuan ($3.3 million in United Stats) of illegal chicken feet.

The Xinhua reported the police arrested more than 900 people. They've been charged with food tampering, passing off rats and fox meat as lamb and beef.

The National Health and Family Planning Commission announced Wednesday a five-year clean up and improvement system. It will include more strict standards for contaminants, toxins, and additives.

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