Suri Cruise Called 'Brat' After Challenging Paparazzo

A paparazzo called Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' daughter, Suri Cruise, a "brat" and other offensive names.

While the mother and actress walked her daughter and a young female pal toward a parked SUV in New York City, the paparazzi swarmed. Cruise lashed out and as the trio drove away, someone can be heard calling the 7-year-old a "little brat" and a "b**ch."

"Bye Suri, you little brat," a male voice is heard saying as Katie made her way into the car.

In the video, which is owned by Fishwrapper, Holmes heads down some steps smiling and waving to the paparazzi. She is seen holding Cruise and another girl's hands. According to E! news, a male's voice can be heard trying to defend the actress and two young girls.

"Hold on, she with a kid," a male voice can be heard saying.

A crowd of fans that followed the trio can be heard saying "Please Katie don't ignore your fans."

The mother of one was surrounded by pen-waving autograph seekers. In the mist of all the noise Cruise can be heard saying "Stop it." As she reached for the door of the SUV the young girl said "Get out of the way."

After the initial comments were made, another voice can be heard defending Cruise.

"Whoa whoa whoa," the male said. "When you're a father bro, it's a whole different thing. That a whole different thing."

"She's a b**ch... a little brat kid," the man responds. "A little brat.

Reports claim Cruise was in the car when the conversation between the two men began.

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