Miley Cyrus Speaks Against Wolf Culling And Trophy Hunting After Wildlife Trip

Joining the list of celebrity wildlife conservationists including Leonardo DiCaprio, Jackie Chan and Nicole Kidman, Miley Cyrus just recently expressed her concern for the wildlife.

People Magazine reports the 22-year-old singer/actress visited British Columbia's Great bear Rainforest along with her brother, Braison, 21, and the non-profit organization Pacific Wild.

The conservation group released Instagram photos and videos of the pop star taking aim at wolf culling and bear hunting. Cyrus even joined a controversial debate in Western Canada which focused on wolf kills to protect caribous - an endangered species and prey to wolves.

"When I first spoke out, I knew in my heart that the wolf cull was wrong," Cyrus stated in a post on Pacific Wild's website. "But after this visit, I know science is on my side, not just on the wolf cull, but also on the trophy hunt issue. Both are unsustainable and both are horrific. Both have to end."

Cyrus also said her time spent in the wild made her question her purpose.

"You start thinking, 'OK, what I do is really unimportant,'" she said. "But if I didn't do those things, I wouldn't have the voice that I have to be the megaphone for what these amazing people have researched for so long and can teach me."

"I'm like, 'I can't believe I'm not a biologist and I'm a pop star. That's ridiculous.' But that's given me such a platform," she added.

When she returned to the U.S., Cyrus posted several photos from her wildlife adventure on Instagram.

"I may have left B.C. for now but my heart is still very much there," she wrote. "Along with the grizzlies that when I first locked eyes with changed me forever & the wolves that sing such beautiful songs calling out for one another."

"On this adventure something was confirmed that us lovers of nature and all that it brings to this planet already know but unfortunately so many don't understand," she added. "WE ARE THESE ANIMALS."

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Sep 21, 2015 at 8:13pm PDT

 @pacificwild #stoptrophyhunting #savebcwolves @braisoncwukong

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Sep 21, 2015 at 11:23am PDT

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