Snoop Dogg Net Worth: Rapper Invests In New Marijuana Lifestyle Website

Snoop Dogg loves his weed so much he's putting up a new lifestyle website for stoners.

While speaking at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference in San Francisco, the 43-year-old rapper and cannabis activist explains what makes him so passionate about the herb.

"I enjoy it for medical reasons," Snoop Dogg told interviewers. "It is a peace situation for me. Every time I have been around it, I have seen beautiful things happen. I've seen people manifest love, peace and harmony." went live on Monday and is set to launch in October. "We will be like the encyclopedia to the cannabis world," he said.

The website will feature a wide-range of weed content from a cooking show of pot recipes, a guide to the perfect strain recommended for users, and a show entitled Deflowered -- where smokers discuss their first-time experiences.

Snoop Dogg described the show as an opportunity to talk about their love for weed and hinted appearances from other stoner celebrities such as Miley Cyrus and Seth Rogen.

"We'd be a better world if everyone comes out of the closet and admits they like to smoke," he said. "My name is Snoop Dogg, and I'm a stoner."

The business side of the platform is tapping the multibillion dollar marijuana industry that will make way for online retail, said media entrepreneur and co-founder Ted Chung.

Starting Monday, people are invited to sign up for early beta access at the Merry Jane homepage. "Just 420 people," Snoop Dogg joked.

Also known by his real name, Calvin Broadus, Snoop Dogg is now exploring technology as a budding capitalist for marijuana-related businesses.

Forbes reports the rapper-turned-investor has already invested in weed start-up firms such as Casa Verde Capital, Eaze, and free-stock trading platform Robinhood with actor Jared Leto.

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Snoop Dogg's net worth is currently at $135 million.

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