'Target Troll' Comes Back and Used Fake Doritos Account to Prank LGBT Haters

"Target troll" returns to confront people who got upset over Doritos limited edition Rainbow Doritos. Doritos partnered with It Gets Better Project which provides outreach and support to LGBT youth. Proceeds from the Rainbow Doritos will go directly to the project as reported in Food World News last week. However, not everyone seemed too happy about this act of kindness and that prompted the troll on Doritos.

The world "troll" generally has a bad impression for most people. It's actually messing with other people, purposefully causing argument in a group using an anonymous account. Whatever the reason may be, it is actually amusing. Take Mike Melgaard for example, who used fake account Doritos ForHelp to answer back to those who were not happy with Doritos' support for the LGBT community as reported in Mashable. He seemed to be enjoying doing this and even posted screenshots of his interactions on his own Facebook account.

Mike Melgaard became famous after he faked an account and trolled Target customers earlier this August. He posed as customer representative and confronted people who got upset over the giant retail's decision to label Toys Department as gender neutral. He successfully trolled outraged shoppers and made it look like someone from Target is really responding to its customers.

It seems that he is back for more. With last week's announcement of Doritos to support LGBT community, some people voiced their disgust online, calling the initiative "disgusting" or ungodly". However, Malgaard came to rescue Doritos by posing as an official customer representative of the company. Here are examples of what he did for Doritos:

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