In 2011, audiences were intrigued and shocked by a strange new TV show called 'Black Mirror,' which initially aired on Channel 4. The series didn't waste any time and immediately stunned viewers with its first episode 'The National Anthem,' which depicted a British Prime Minister being blackmailed into having sex with a pig on live national television.
People immediately remembered the 'Black Mirror' episode when word got out about David Cameron's unauthorized biography, which claims that the former British PM had "inserted a private part of his anatomy" into a dead pig's mouth. The incident allegedly happened when Cameron was still at Oxford University, and had occurred during a meeting of the elite Piers Gaveston drinking society.
So had 'Black Mirror' creator and writer Charlie Brooker turned into a modern-day Nostradamus? The man who wrote the episode 'The National Anthem' spoke to BuzzFeed News to clarify that he did not predict #PigGate.
"It's really, really weird. Really, really, weird, obviously," Brooker said. "The first question that a lot of people were asking me was, 'Did you know something?' and I didn't. I had no idea. I had never heard anything, so it is a complete coincidence, albeit a very, very strange one."
Charlie Brooker also admitted that he didn't expect anything similar could happen in real life while he was writing 'The National Anthem.'
"No, I didn't see this happen," he said. "It was such an outrageous request on the part of the antagonist in the story. It wasn't like I had Cameron in mind, even, I think, when writing it. I don't think we say which party Michael Callow, our fictional PM, was from. It was quite a sympathetic portrayal of him in the episode."
Charlie Brooker did say that he will be more thoughtful about writing new episodes for 'Black Mirror.'
"I am always thinking of horrible story ideas and I don't want them to come true," Brooker said. "I'm only going to think of happy endings from now on. Someone creates a machine that turns the entire world into marshmallow. And they all live happily ever after."
'Black Mirror' has been picked up by Netflix, who have commissioned Charlie Brooker and his production company to create new episodes.