Downtown Abbey: 6th Series Recap and an Interwiew with "Mr Carson", "Jim Carter"

Downtown Abbey's 6th series' 1st episode was a big hit among fans and it definitely got them glued on their seats. The murder case if finally solved and love is in the air forth the 6th series. Mirror UK gave out a recap for fans that wasn't able to tune in to the first episode.

One of the biggest highlights of the series was when Jim Carter's character, Mr. Carson finally proposed to his love, Mrs. Hughes which is portrayed by Phyllis Baxter.

The well-loved Mr. Carson was able to have a one on one interview with Chris Bennion, which was featured in Telegraph. During his interview he did share a couple of insights in regards to his character and how he felt then the series was finally coming to an end.

Were you happy with the way that it ended for your character, particularly?

I think that this series is a very good one. We had some nice meaty stuff in there, which was enjoyable to play. And I think this series pulls it all together very satisfactorily. Fans, I think, will be pleased. There isn't massive slaughter and mayhem. The place isn't turned into a health-farm. I think it's satisfying, yes. I was pleased with it. And I sat and read the Christmas special straight through in one go, with a hanky by my side - which I think I needed. I think it'll work very well.

You shed a tear, then?

Yeah, I think I did. Because you're saying goodbye to - aww - you're realising that it's coming to an end. And the way that the story is with Lady Edith and Lady Mary and all those strands, all those romances, are slowly, slowly worked out. And not in a massively dramatic way, but I think people will be pleased.

How would you feel about the chance of doing a Downton film?

You see, I think that's a story that exists more among you journalists than among us. It's probably wishful thinking, slightly. My rule of thumb is "when the signature's on the contract, then it's happening." Until then, who knows? I think there's a lot of will among a lot of people for it to happen. But you need to write a script, you need to... who knows? I mean, I'm not killing a story, but that's where it's at. It isn't anything concrete. I think a lot of people would love it to happen.

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