Marijuana May Combat Stress-Related Illnesses

It's already been a well-known fact that marijuana can aid stress and anxiety, and several researches were able to back it up. The medical marijuana can aid numerous illnesses and is currently being preferred by numerous health professionals due to minimal side effects. Not only does it help combat stress, it also induce calmness and it is said to be less harmful than pills and other anti-depressants.

As per IBT Times, a study focused on endocannabinoids [the brain chemicals similar to substances found in pot] proved that chronic stress was reduced in production, eventually led to depression-like behavior in subject animals. As per the research team from the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions in New York, stated that endocannabinoids are the ones responsible in affecting motor control, cognition, emotions and behavior. These chemicals are found in marijuana and its active ingredient THC [delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol]

Severe stress can lead to a harmful response of the immune system known as inflammation. Studies revealed that chronic stress can be linked not only to fatigue, depression and anxiety but more severe neurological disorders as well. Leaf Science then added that marijuana, which is a well-known stress reliever, may be able to aid in preventing these ailments.

Researchers from the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain were able to conduct numerous experiments with rats, leading them into discovery of activating certain marijuana pathways. The team was able to reverse the inflammatory response caused by chronic stress. They focused their studies on the CB2 receptors which are found on many immune cells in the body and act to regulate their activity.

Dr Borja and his team were then able to unlock an aspect need to help aid depression and stress related illness. He then wrote:

"In conclusion, we have found evidence of an anti-inflammatory profile for CB2 receptor activation, for the treatment of stress-related pathologies with a neuroinflammatory component, such as depression."

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