A Deeper Look on How Marijuana Affects Memory

Does pot make an individual forgetful? Short term memory loss and forgetfulness is often liked to marijuana usage. It is often perceived that marijuana users are a bit slow in terms of comprehension. Numerous studies have emerged in regards to this matter.

As per High Times, latest research revealed that cannabis consumption only affects spatial memory. Spatial memory is the one responsible in recording information about one's surroundings. It does not however affect associative memory in any way.

Cannabis's effect on an individual's long term memory isn't crucial. It only disrupts a part of a memory where in it would affect your capability to recall direction. Additional studies then revealed that marijuana's effects on episodic memory aren't the same and certain things get left out.

As per Leaf Science, THC or Tetrahyrocannabinol does not in any way affect a person's capacity to recall existing memories. An individual that consumed cannabis can still remember their names and where they live no matter how high they are. It does however make it hard for high individuals to memorize new information. It also affects the individual's capability to remember the things that occurred while high.

The effects however does depend on the dosage, larger dosages is often linked to more severe effects. Frequent users have higher tolerance in terms of cannabis' effects. The fact that it affects memory is a cause of concern, most especially in cases of chronic use. Studies then revealed that memory impairments are less likely to be noticed, it is sometimes absent for heavy cannabis users. It is likely due to the high tolerance of regular users.

Though memory impairment might have a disadvantage for marijuana users, it does however help some individuals fight bad memories. Studies show that THC is said to treat anxiety disorders such as PTSD [Post Traumatic Stress Disorder].

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