FDA Budget Proposal Requests $4.7 Billion in Funding For 2014

When the recent budget proposal was finally delivered to Congress, it was revealed that the U.S. Food And Drug Administration is asking for $4.7 billion in funding for the 2014 fiscal year, according to FDA.gov.

The USFDA said 94 percent of the funding will come from industry user fees and budget authority will cover the rest.

According to the organization, part of the funding is needed for the Food Safety Modernization Act, which was signed into law in 2011. They handle food recalls and implement food safety measures. The funds will also be used to inspect imported foods more carefully.

Though the FDA has requested $4.7 billion, they contend the figure is lower than they feel they need. The program had to cut $15 million in budget authority for human drug, biologics and medical device programs.

"These are tight budget times, and the FDA budget request reflects this reality," said Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D., Commissioner of Food and Drugs. "Our budget increases are targeted to strategic areas that will benefit patients and consumers and overall strengthen our economy. Through the good work of the FDA, Americans will receive life-saving medicines approved as fast as or faster than anywhere in the world, confidence in the medical products they rely on daily, and a food supply that is among the safest in the world."

In an effort to transform food safety, the FDA requested an additional $295.8 million above the FY 2012 level. Of that, $252.4 million will be covered by user fees and $43.4 million will be covered by budget authority.

This will "bolster the FDA's efforts to build a strong, reliable food safety system. Most of these funds are needed to support implementation of the FSMA, which provides authorities and mandates for the FDA to build a modern, prevention-focused domestic and imported food safety system to protect the health of American consumers," FDA.gov reported.

Specifically, "the budget proposes a food facility registration and inspection fee and a food importer fee. The FDA is also proposing new user fees to support its cosmetic and food contact substance notification programs. The President's budget proposes a fee to be paid by food importers that would both improve the safety of the food supply as well as ensure the smooth and predictable entry of safe foods into the United States."

Also included in the budget are medical countermeasure initiatives, food and drug inspection in China and additional funding for research.

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