Bread of Life Food Drive Brings Food To Staten Islanders

After 22 years, the "Bread Of Life Food Drive" (B.O.L.D.) was in full swing this past weekend at Monsignor Farrel High School.

It was the last stop for the food drive, according to and brought in $25,000 worth of food items.

The food drive managed to bring in a total of 60,000 food items in the previous stops. But it was the raising of funds for a second charity that touched Notre Dame Alum, Joseph Delaney.

"As inspiring as the donation of 60,000 items of food was, an even more inspiring donation of food was made to B.O.L.D in the form of food items valued at $25,000 from John Catsimatidis, the CEO and Chairman of Red Apple and Gristede's supermarkets and GOP New York City mayoral hopeful."

Catsimatidis became involved with the food drive through two other prominent Staten Islanders - successful business man, Al Bernikow, and Staten Island Congressman Vito Fosella, according to SILive.

Once interested, Catsimatidis talked with Delaney about "Bread Of Life Saturday", the final day of donation for B.O.L.D., and sent a tractor trailer to Monsignor Farrell.

The $25,000 was the largest donation to B.O.L.D. ever, according to SILive. A majority of that donation went to Project Hospitality.

"The Bread of Life continues to bring out the best in Staten Islanders, while helping to feed our neighbors in need," Delaney said.

The donations also coincide with the holy season of Passover and Easter, "when the significance of bread and manna from heaven remind us to be generous to one another."

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