'Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us' Shows People's Food Addictions

Children love eating cereal for breakfast. Many of which, contain a high percentage of sugar per serving. Michael Moss, an award-winning writer, recently published a new book; Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us. According to Bloomberg, "The three substances are tied to rising obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. They're also the pillars on which the $1 trillion food-manufacturing industry is built."

Michael Moss is a New York Times reporter; he researched the history, science, politics, and American's reliance on processed foods. It affects a variety of people, ranging from working mothers to corporate employees. People begin to crave the sugar and salt from these foods.

In 1975, Super Orange Crisps contained a sugar percentage of 70%. The product was advertised on daytime television, during the weekends. This was a popular time for children to watch television.

According to Kaboose Health, Mother Nature plays a vital role in causing children to love sugar. The first solid foods babies are attracted to are often fruits, and sweet vegetables. Foods that lack a sweet taste seem to be less pleasing to the babies' taste buds. The website explains, the same theory applies to older children. As children age they seem to be attracted to yogurt, fortified cereals, chocolate milk and condiments such as ketchup. According to Kaboose, "Many fortified foods, such as cereals, contain an array of nutrients, as well as sugar, which make them appealing and, therefore children will eat them."

Nutritionists and Pediatricians advise parents to check the labels of the foods; they are feeding their children. Doctors believe parents should not give their children juice, which was made from concentrate. They should make sure the fruit beverages are 100% juice. When a child is craving a sweet snack, provide them with fruit rather than candy or ice cream. If a child insists on eating a cereal that is high in sugar, replace it with a healthier option, than put a little bit of the real thing on top. The child will not taste the difference. This is the perfect way to make a child consume a healthy breakfast, without upsetting them.

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