12-year-Old Girl Gets Perfect Score In IQ Test, Outsmarts Albert Einstein And Stephen Hawking

12-year-old Lydia Sebastian outsmarted two renowned geniuses Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking by hitting the highest mark on Mensa's Catrall III B test.

Mirror UK reports the Colchester County High School for Girls student got the perfect IQ test score of 162 without consuming the whole time allotted. Lydia's result marked higher that what Einstein and Hawking achieved. Both physicists got a score of 160 during their time.

"At first, I was really nervous but once I started, it was much easier than I expected it to be and then I relaxed," Lydia told Mirror UK. "I gave it my best shot really."

The young genius who took the test at London's Birkbeck College shared she was challenged in her language skills, analogies, logic, and definitions.

According to her proud dad, Arun Sebastian, Lydia has never stopped talking about getting the test. His wife then eventually encouraged her to do it after a year of frequent discussion.

"When I heard she had the maximum possible mark, I was overwhelmed and so was my wife," said Arun, a radiologist at Colchester General Hospital.

"Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking got an IQ of 160. To be honest, I didn't really believe it," he gushed.

Lydia's dad added his only child started playing the violin at 4 years old and started talking as early as 6 months.

"She started talking when she was really young, when she was six months old," he said. "At the time I was a trainee doctor and my wife was studying chemistry and I was away at the weekends. She used to say a few words to me on the phone."

Lydia, who is just getting into her second year in high school, took the test together with other much older qualifiers to apply for a Mensa membership.

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