Study Says New Adult Age Is 29

According to a British survey, people don't really see themselves as real grown-ups until the age of 29.

Metro UK reports that although a person is technically cosidered as an adult when he or she reaches the legal age of 18, a Beagle Street life insurance research concluded that people would mostly recognize a real adult by looking at ten of the most obvious signs a person has finally matured.

64% of those surveyed agree that a real adult can already buy his or her own house. 63% says it's when you've already become a parent, 52% says it's when you're already married, while 29% says it's when a person has finally started paying for pension.

Other signs of being an adult also include becoming house proud (22%), getting a life insurance (21%), looking forward to spending the night at home (21%), Doing DIY projects (18%), hosting dinner parties (18%) and starting a joint bank account (17%).

As reported in the survey this won't all happen until you reach 29 - the new 'adult' age.

"What people really believe constitutes being an 'adult' are actually significant life events that give them adult responsibilities," said University of Kent sociologist, Dr. Frank Furedi.

"Up until that point, regardless of their actual age, they are still perceived adolescents," he added.

Survey says 42% agree that those still considered as "adolescents" still rely on their parents, while 36% says they are those who live at their parents' home longer. 31% refer it to those who continue to play computer games, 30% says it's those who still watch children's movies, and 29% for those who still watch cartoons.

Other signs of still not being ready for adulthood are fear of growing up and bigger responsibilities (28%), not wanting to have a "real" job (22%), passionate desire to travel and explore the world (20%), considering juvenile role models (20%), and lack of a real life education (19%).

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