Xenia Deli: Model Who Appeared In Justin Bieber's 'What Do You Mean?" Music Video Receives Death Threats

The Bieber-fever is finally back. Reports say that the Moldovan model, Xenia Deli, who was featured in Justin Bieber's recently released music video, admitted she has received multiple death threats from the singer's fans.

Deli, who appeared to be Bieber's love interest in the music video "What Do You Mean?" was just clearly doing her job and 'wasn't expecting' to become one of the targets of Bieber's fans on social media.

"There have been so many negative comments," she said. "I wasn't expecting this reaction, I thought everyone would be excited! I can't do anything about it though."

She went on saying, "I just want to say, I didn't do anything wrong, I was just doing my job. I'm not taking Justin away from his fans. I'm so sensitive to what people think about me, so I just stopped reading the comments."

Bieber's fans even went to Deli's personal Instagram account to bash her, filling her comment boxes with nothing but all negative comments.

"Back up off him you were a little thot in the music video, not his girlfriend," one Instagram user wrote.

"She's okay but Selena Gomez is way hotter than this girl," another user added.

Since the launching of the music video, where Deli is kissing Bieber and his abs, the haters seem to grow in numbers after the two were reportedly spotted having dinner in Los Angeles earlier last month.

While Deli continues to deny the fans' accusations that she might be dating the Canadian-singer, the rumors have become more fuelled after Bieber said that she finds Deli 'so beautiful'.

"She is so beautiful, but she's also like such a sweetheart," he said. "She's easy to be around and stuff."

Xenia Deli arrived to US from Moldova for about five years ago and she started her career in modelling after she posted photos of herself on the modelling website, Model Mayhem.

Before she appeared in Bieber's music video, Deli had experienced acting when she appeared in one of episode of 'The Mindy Project' with her minor role.

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