The New Military Diet Promises To Make You Lose 10 Pounds A Week!

Obesity is among the major health issues in the United States being addressed today and people would like to have some quick solutions to address it. The solution might just be this new diet plan that is sweeping the nation, at least to those who care enough to take care of their health.

This solution is called The Military Diet, otherwise known as the three-day diet. Designed specifically for the military by nutritionists but can work on anyone who's willing to try and adhere to its intructions. The website Closer has featured the possible changes that this particular diet technique can do to a person's body, as long as it is followed strictly.

It promises anyone who would try this to lose around 10 pound a week, given that the person is consistent with the diet plan. The trick behind The Military Diet according to Closer's report is for a person to limit his daily intake to 1000 calories for two or three days in a week, and take 1,500 calories on other days.

The website also features all the suggested meals one can eat while on this program. It involves an intermittent fasting, where one is expected to take in very low amount of calories each day during the whole process, considering that the body has a specific calorie burning scale.The idea is for a person's metabolism to be boosted up this way , and eliminating unwanted fats and unhealthy cholesterols in the process.

Note that in order to achieve the goal promised by The Military Diet, the person must make all the effort to only have 1000 calories a day for three days in a week. This is the main rule because for women, it has been established that they are able to burn about 1,800 calories a day. The number somehow guarantees the possible amount of weight that one could lose in just a week. Coffee and other caffeine are part of the program since it is believed that they help a lot in boosting the metabolism.

There are testimonies and accounts of people who have already tried The Military Diet and have found it truly effective.

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