You Can Now Get A Condom Based On Which Fruit or Vegetable Your Penis Is Shaped Like [PHOTOS]

Condoms have a tendency to be annoying, but safety is a necessity and protection should be given high importance.

We all know that penises come in different shapes and sizes, and given that condoms have a generic size, condoms sometimes have a tendency to fall or slip off during intercourse.

According to the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), 13.1 percent of condoms slip down the penis during intercourse, while 5.4 percent fall off.

Basically, condoms are like clothes: if they're not the right fit on your body, they won't be able to serve its purpose effectively.

But thanks to a design student from Taiwan named Guan-Hao Pan, buying condoms of the right size and shape for your penis will be so much easier now.

Called the "Love Guide," Guan-Hao Pan invented a line of condoms that carry different shapes and sizes. Now, guys can easily pick out a condom based on what fruit or vegetable their manhood resembles.

Guan-Hao Pan explains the idea:

"A condom becomes much less effective if it is the wrong size, worn on the wrong side, or its tip is not squeezed when worn."

"Each condom comes in a specially designed case with a rising tip, making it easy to pick the condom from the right side while squeezing the tip at the same time."

The "Love Guide" currently carries five different sizes. The zucchini is the largest, which features a diameter of five centimeters. There's also turnip, banana, carrot, and the smallest sized from the bunch, the cucumber.

One tube comes with 12 condoms. The packaging is truly eye-catching too: each wrapped condom looks like a slice of the corresponding fruit or vegetable that was picked from the lot.

To find out more about "Love Guide" condoms, you can simply go to Guan-Hao Pan's Behance page.

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