Someone Just Invented A Nutella Lock So You Aren't Forced To Share [PHOTOS]

Anyone who doesn't know what Nutella is must be living under a rock. It's pretty much a given that Nutella can bring people together, but it also tears people apart.

With its deadly temptations, surely your roommate or housemates get some of your Nutella without letting you know. But there's a solution for that now!

Daniel Schobloch - a furniture designer for Borkenkarger Furniture and Fittings from Germany - just invented a Nutella jar lock, to make sure that no one goes into your stash without your knowing!

Made of acrylic, the lock "is more of a gag gift," as per Mashable. It also comes with two keys! Not only that, but Daniel Schobloch has also patented and branded the Nutella Lock.

"The idea started out as a joke. One of my friends was always getting worked up because his children were stealing his Nutella," Schobloch said of the device inception.

Even though its acrylic structure makes it easy to break, there's actually a high demand for the product - why wouldn't there be, though? Your Nutella jar should always be safe!

"As the demand continued to grow, we decided to offer the device on Ebay," said Schobloch. In fact, more than 1,000 units have already been sold.

Schobloch further told Berlin-based The Local that the Nutella Lock is best used as a gift, or for parents who want to keep their children away from the sweet treat.

Daniel Schobloch also noted that he definitely wants to bring the Nutella Lock to the market soon, and while that's not happening just yet, you can always order on Ebay (only a few units left!) for €9,99 or about $11 each.

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