The Next Artifical Sweetener Is Made From-- Sand!

Weight loss regimens often involves cutting sugar off your diet as it was proven that uncontrolled sugar consumption can lead to obesity. Obesity is one of the biggest problems that America alone has been having struggling with.

In order to reduce obesity health risks, such as diabetes and fatty liver, artificial sweeteners were formulated. Artificial sweeteners however are made of aspartames and stevia which can have harmful side effects.

Fast Company however reported that one start-up company from Israel [ DouxMatok] was able to come up with coating food-safe nanoparticles of cellulose or silica[this is what beach sand is normally composed of] with real sugar. [Via The Refinery]

Doux Matok was able to find a way to replicate the same sweetness and texture that we get from sugar but with less than 25% to 55% sugar content.

The Fast Company then explained the rationale on how the newly invented artificial sweetener is made. The tiny food safe particles are coated with natural sugar such as glucose or sucrose, the food technology will then be able to trick the sweetness receptors on an individual's tongue, making them think that they're eating a full serving of sugar. The idea behind the invention can be compared to drug delivery in pharmaceuticals.

The CEO of the Israel based start-up company, Duox Matok, Eran Baniel made a statement in regarding the new artificial sweetener's effect towards the body. He then stated:

"Drug delivery allows you to take less of an active material and ship it to where you need it. . . . You ship less of it and you create less damage along the way, we do flavor delivery. You take less of the active material-the active material being sugar in this case. But you still use sugar." Baniel then added:

Health is not only a physical condition, health is a mixture of the mental and the physical. The beauty of what we do is that we do not deprive people of what they like in terms of taste. We were proven-absolutely proven-as identical in sensory profile to sugars. But whilst we offer people what makes them happy mentally, we help them be happy mentally without consuming too much of what can really harm them."

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