Scientists Find A Cure For AIDS, Thank You MTV For Raising Awareness With Staying Alive

Researchers now believe they found the first case of AIDS that was cured. Scientists believe they found a way to stop the deadly virus from killing. A baby that was recently born with the disease received antiretroviral drugs less than 30 hours after its birth which scientist, Deborah Persaud believes this will allow her to live a life free of the virus and achieve long term remission without lifelong treatment.

In 1981, Centers For Disease and Control Center Prevention discovered HIV, also known as AIDS. This sexually transmitted disease was deemed deadly and since then has taken the lives of nearly 30 million people. AIDS attacks the immune system therefore many of its victims die from influenza or the common cold.

The discovery of HIV lead to what history calls, "The AIDS Epidemic", throughout this period people became more concerned on practicing safe sex. College Universities across The United States began to provide students with condoms; they were sold at the school's bookstores, local convenient stores and even seen in campus restrooms. A few schools went as far as providing their students with HIV education courses. People were in the midst of a global scare and wanted to protect themselves.

The HIV virus can attack anyone; famous basketball player, Magic Johnson was diagnosed with the disease in 1991. The media blamed this on his excessive partying lifestyle and his rumored association with drug addicts. When Johnson was hit with the tragic news he began raising money by creating a charity, Magic Johnson Foundation. He also spoke on behalf of The United Nations, at their Worlds AIDS Conference in 1999.

MTV also helps raise AIDS awareness with their international program; Staying Alive which incorporates celebrity spokes models that discuss the important of safe sex. Staying Alive creates documentaries, public service announcements and television movies for their viewers. One particular safe sex commercial that made a lasting impression amongst viewers is the one where a man and a woman are about to get into bed together. The bed is surrounded by people who are symbolizing their previous sex partners. The primary goal was to educate youth about the importance of practicing safe sex especially if they are uncertain about their partner's sexual history.

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