Dunkin Donuts Fall Menu Adds Pumpkin And Reese's Peanut Butter Square Doughnut – Diet’s Off This Season!

Big restaurants (and particularly breakfast themed-like) are aware of the fact that everyone hates to see summer ending and the hot months go, so their entire new ad work revolves around enhancing products themed for the new season, and that includes Dunkin Donuts' fall menu, a real treat to the stomach - though not necessarily to calorie count.

As Starbucks re-releases its fall classic Pumpkin Spice Latte, its major competitor is releasing a Dunkin Donuts fall menu of its own that's set to at least make people look the other way, as they add two of everyone's favorite flavors to their list: Reese's Cups and Pumpkin Cheesecake.

According to Refinery29, the new Dunkin Donuts fall menu includes a major change, as the breakfast chain just teamed up with The Hershey Company to come up with a truly delicious dessert, Reese's Peanut Butter Square, which is just as it sounds: a square doughnut that's filled with the delicious peanut butter treat, topped with chocolate and orange icings, to match the look and taste of the original butter cups.

Without a doubt, the world just became a better place because of the new Dunkin Donuts fall menu, as the biggest doughnut chain in the world is debuting another harvest-themed item, the Pumpkin Cheesecake Square, which puts pumpkin cheesecake as doughnut filling with plain topping and graham cracker crumbs, plus orange colored icing and white drizzle, Mashable reports.

Of course, according to The Daily Mail, this year's Dunkin Donuts fall menu comes at a price, particularly on the tummy, as the delicious-sounding treats (arriving in stores on August 31 and staying on the menu through October) are pretty high on calories, with the Reese's Square going up for 370 calories and the Pumpkin Cheesecake one listed as 340 calories a piece - so they're definitely meant as casual sweets instead of something to stuff one's face with.

In any case, don't miss the opportunity to try out the delicious-sounding Dunkin Donuts fall menu!

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