Grizzly Bear Slap: Watch Viral Video of Closest Bear Encounter Ever Captured by a GoPro Camera [VIDEO]

A video of a GoPro camera capturing a grizzly bear slap up close-and-personal is going viral. Taken by Brad Josephs, a filmmaker and naturalist who captures photos and videos of wild animals in their natural habitat, the grizzly bear slap video has attracted the attention of over one million viewers on YouTube.

Apparently, the grumpy grizzly featured in Josephs' video is fed up with the attention. The footage shows the wild beast getting tired of the unmoving GoPro camera, thus providing viewers great insight into a rare scene in the natural world, all while inside the comforts of the home.

At first, the short, grizzly bear slap clip shows the majestic animal prowling the wilderness of a beach in Alaska in wide-angle glory. The grizzly tries to approach the camera cautiously, but it quickly got tired of the attention. The grizzly suddenly grunts and growls, after which deciding to swipe the GoPro camera.

The grizzly bear slap video was first posted on YouTube by adventure brand GoPro on Thursday, August 27, according to The Inquisitr.

Since it was posted, the video of the grizzly bear in Alaska has garnered over one million views on the well-known streaming website, according to USA Today Sports.

Josephs, the wildlife photographer and filmmaker who captured the grizzly bear slap, reportedly took the footage for the BBC's "Great Bear Stakeout" documentary series, during which one of his cameras was even eaten by a bear.

According to The Mirror, Josephs claims to be a "bear junky." This affinity for the wild creatures has motivated him to lead several expeditions capturing grizzlies in Alaska, Canada and even China.

In the past few years, there have been quite a few videos of close encounters with wild animals captured by the GoPro cameras. In most cases, the captured footage, such as the grizzly bear slap, has become viral.

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