'Rod of God' Weapon Supposedly Used Against Tianjin

The twin Tianjin explosions have brought every kind of conspiracy theorist out of the woodwork. The common denominator among these folks, as the Daily Mail UK has reported, is that so-called "Rods of God" weapons were used to obliterate a good portion of the Chinese port city.

135 people died in the explosion and hundreds of tons of toxic chemicals released into the air and water surrounding the city. Officially, drinking water is cyanide-free, but the recent placement of caged chickens and rabbits in affected areas will determine the toxicity of Tianjin air.

What in the world is a "Rod of God" though? Officially, these weapons do not exist. But if you are to believe the stories, the US has had this ace up their sleeves for quite some time now.

And if the Tianjin incident is to be considered its first practical application, then the "Rods of God" are certainly fearsome weapons that are a threat to every other nation in the world.

Why would a weapon like this be used? Natural News came out with a story speculating that the Tianjin blasts were "kinetic retaliation" by the US ostensibly against the Chinese Yuan's devaluation. This devaluation caused automatic meltdowns in stock exchanges around the world, the US especially.

An orbital platform would house these "Rods of God" weapons. The rods are made of inert metal and shaped like a projectile that, when launched, would use the power of gravity to accelerate it to incredible speeds. Upon impact on the ground it has the power of a nuclear strike without needing a traditional warhead.

"Rods of God" have many advantages. The first is its relative simplicity of use. It uses the power of gravity and nothing more to deliver the projectile at mind-bending speeds. Second is its high angle of impact. These two factors alone make kinetic bombardment, another name for these weaponized rods, a real force to reckon with.

If the Tianjin blasts are indeed the first offensive use of this weapon, then it is a clear sign to all nations who still holds the upper hand in warfare.

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