CP Holiday Train Wraps Successful 2012 Program in Supporting Local Food Banks and Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding

Results for the 14th year of the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train are in and the mission of making a difference one stop at a time has resulted in one of the most successful rolling fundraisers for local food shelves along its Canadian and United States rail network.

The 2012 CP Holiday Train Program raised more than $1 million (CAD) and 400,000 pounds of food for local food bank programs in Canada and the U.S. Since 1999, the CP Holiday Train program has now raised $7.4 million and 3 million pounds of food for local food shelves.

The 2012 Holiday Train Program officially wrapped up in Port Moody, British Columbia, on December 18, 2012.

Making this year's three-week trek even more important was the support for Hurricane Sandy rebuilding efforts. At the Minneapolis, Holiday Train event, CP presented Feeding America with $250,000.

In Canada, the Holiday Train program received special recognition with one of the inaugural Prime Minister's Volunteer Awards. The award recognizes the role the 'train of lights' plays in helping communities and food banks and, specifically, the hard work and dedication of thousands of community and employee volunteers who continue to make the annual rolling food bank fundraiser a success.

From the end of November until December 18, the two Holiday Trains travelled across Canada and the U.S. raising money, food, and awareness for local food banks and hunger issues at over 150 communities.

Thousands of Holiday Train supporters were treated to live performances on the modified boxcar stage. On the Canadian Holiday Train, Brothers Dube, Miss Emily , and Doc Walker lit up the stage while on the U.S. Holiday Train, Tracey Brown and The Claytones entertained supporters of local food shelves along the U.S. Northeast and Midwest.

To read full article: PR Newswire

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