Avocado Muffin: McDonald's Japan Takes On 'Healthy' Food

McDonald's Japan includes 'healthy' on its menu with a new set of sandwiches filled with avocado. With the growing popularity of avocado in social media, the fast-food giant's Japanese branches joined the healthy band wagon by serving avocado for breakfast.

Newly added to McDonald's menu is the avocado muffin, a healthy twist on the famous breakfast Egg McMuffin. Avocado-filled burgers are also available after 11 AM: avocado-topped prawn sandwich, standard avocado embellished burgers and avocado veggie burger.

Although Avocado is trending worldwide, Metro UK reports there are no plans for the avocado muffin and burgers being served in the UK yet. However, McDonalds has to think about considering this option too, especially with popular claims about the fast food chain serving unhealthy meals.

Avocado contains the necessary nutrients to keep a person healthy.

According to Best Health Magazine, eating avocado helps protect the heart - with just one cup of the fruit providing the recommended daily folate intake. Folate is associated with lower risks of heart problems, aside from keeping an unborn baby healthy for pregnant women. Avocado also contains oleic acid that reduces cholesterol levels, protecting the heart from life-threatening diseases.

Avocado also helps you lose weight by containing enough fibre to help the digestive system run smoothly. Its soluble fibre slows down the carbohydrate breakdown. Oleic acid also activates the brain's satiety making a person feel full longer.

The fruit also contains carotenoids responsible for taking care of the eyes such as vitamin E, lutein, zeaxanthin, alpha-carotene, and beta-carotene to keep you away from eye problems.

Although avocado is relatively high in calories and fats, with half of its medium size containing 138 calories and 14.1g of fat, this is nothing compared to the amount of fat served with McDonald's Quarter Pounder, Big Mac and French Fries.

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