Facebook Bounty Hunter: What Does He Do?

He takes down impostor Facebook accounts. If you were a rock star, a celebrity, a respectable company or just an everyday Joe, you wouldn't want anyone pretending to be you. The FB Bounty Hunter shall come to the rescue.

Here is how you can deal with an imposter: do it like Rihanna who called out each of the fake account impersonating her. It was a slow process. You can also hunt down each one and report them to Facebook, which is also slow. Or you can hire a digital bounty hunter to make your problem go pfft, and fast.

That is the work of Kevin Long, as featured in the Huffington Post. is paid big money to eliminate fake social media account. His company has worked with super stars, and even preachers. Their fake counterparts were scamming money from other people, real contacts of the real McCoy's.

How busy is Kevin Long? There are times his company, Social Impostor, works for one client with 2,000 - 3,000 fake accounts in a year. Top personalities who are usually imitated are Justin Bieber, then Pope Francis, and lastly Beyonce. In 2012, Facebook reported that there are 83 million fake accounts in their social medium.

Kevin Long has been doing this business for 3 years, out of West Lafayette in Indiana. He works with clients all over the world who pay him retainer fees that range from $ 300 to several thousands. Social media accounts that he covers include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Skype and LinkedIn.

He searches for the fake accounts using a program he created, or sometimes, also manually. Then he weeds out those with different pictures from that of the real owner, and they could be real people who just happened to have his client's name People create fake accounts to fool others out of money or property, while some get some kicks out of it.

In some cases, he involves government agencies. At one time, a fake account pretended to be an A-list actor casting young women for movie roles. Now that can be really scary.

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