Alicia Keys Opens Up on Why She Dressed Like a Tomboy

Alicia Augello Cook, better known as Alicia Keys, is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, and actress and the new face of Levi's Denim campaign. She was also known for having a tomboy style. Alicia Keys talked about some reasons on why she dressed like a tomboy, and Alicia Keys said she did it in order to avoid getting unwanted catcalls from guys.

Alicia Keys wrote in a blog post, "I definitely started hiding when I got old enough to walk down my NY streets alone. I started to notice a drastic difference in how men would relate to me if I had on jeans, or if I had on a skirt, or if my hair was done pretty," the singer also said, "I could tell the difference, I could feel the animal instinct in them and it scared me. I didn't want to be talked to in that way, looked at in that way, whistled after, followed."

Alicia went on explaining that she hid with the baggy jeans and timbs and Keys chose the ponytail and hat with no makeup, no bright color lipstick or pretty dresses, she does so as she choses to hide and finds less trouble that way.

Alicia Keys is a hard person that doesn't get offended with people who call her gay, she said that she even felt comfortable about it.

When Alicia Keys debut album Songs in A Minor was released in 2001, the artist's tomboy image brought unwanted attention, Keys said, "I had the baggy/braided/tough NY tomboy thing mastered, that was who I was (or who I chose to be) and I felt good there," Alicia also said, "Then because of the way I spoke or carried myself, people started calling me gay and hard and I wasn't gay, but I was hard and although I felt comfortable there, it made me uncomfortable that people were judging me and so slowly I hid that side of myself."

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