Russian 'Food Crematoria' Provoke Outrage Amidst Crisis

Russia's food crematorium is currently causing an outrage within the country of which the poverty rate has gradually increased to 20% over time. As per The National's report, Moscow government is planning for the mass destruction of illegally imported food which caused outrage in the country where famine is still being tackled since the Soviet times.

It was last Tuesday when a Russian television channel showed a small amount of illegally imported food being destroyed, though Russian officials took their stand, stating that they're doing this in consideration for a "security threat". The ban, currently in place until Aug.5, 2016, which covers a wide range of imports including pork, beef, poultry, fish and seafood, milk and dairy products, fruits, vegetables and nuts. It applies to food from the United States, EU, Canada, Australia and Norway as reported by REUTERS.

Amidst the chaos, Russian citizens vented out their anger expressing their outrage in various forms for media, Reuters was then able to get their statements:

.Vladimir Solovyov a prominent pro-Kremlin TV anchor stated: "I don't understand how food can be destroyed in a country that lived through the horrible hunger during the war and tough years that followed"

Mikhail Kasyanov then said: 20 million Russian citizens are below poverty line. Their president ordered food products' destruction from Aug.6. Some real triumph of humanism

The cleric, Alexey Uminsky made a statement which was quoted from his grandmother : "My grandmother always told me that throwing away food is a sin"

He was then quoted by the website Orthodoxy and the World': "This idea is insane, stupid and vile. Such an idea can only appear with a man who has been in no need for anything in recent decades and is ready to do something like that for populism and quasi-patriotism"

Dmitry Peskov, Valdimir Putin's spoke person, didn't show a change of heart amidst the outrage, as he said on Thursday that the situation should not be blown out of proportion:

"The primary goal is to stop the contraband, second, to protect economic interests of the country hurt by the contraband. Third, and in fact the most important thing, is safeguarding the health of citizens.

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