Kevin Bacon: Hollywood Movies Need More Men Stripping, ‘Footloose’ Actor Offers To ‘Free The Bacon’ [+VIDEO]

There are few people as knowledgeable on Tinsel Town as the star of "Footloose," as he's been around the big shots in Los Angeles long enough to be supposedly related to everyone in the planet by 6 degrees or less - so when Kevin Bacon's Hollywood talk comes out, people definitely listen.

As feminists around the world point out how actresses are gratuitously asked to strip down for roles in both movies and cable shows (HBO is a notable offender on this category, particularly with "Game of Thrones" with even star Emilia Clarke having spoken about this), Kevin Bacon's Hollywood stand on the matter is more than clear, as he asks actors to "Free the Bacon."

According to Pop Sugar, Kevin Bacon's Hollywood opinion on how n*dity is handled in films and television shows is both hilarious and really interesting, as he tells the world that it's not fair for actresses to be the only ones to have to strip down for roles and that true equality would mean that male performers have to do the same.

As Jezebel reports, Kevin Bacon's Hollywood stand comes in the form of a public service announcement, as news outlets have a field day with phallic jokes about the reasons behind this move, all while Bacon calls out "Game of Thrones" and even "Fifty Shades of Grey" for its lack of appearances of male n*dity, as he says he's more than willing to do the deed himself, saying he wouldn't mind playing something like a "naked wizard."

It was through Mashable that Kevin Bacon's Hollywood video saw the light of day, and seeing the Golden Globe winner using slang to name male genitalia makes watching the whole thing worthwhile, as he actually makes a few very valid points about equality in the entertainment industry.

Don't miss the hilarious Kevin Bacon Hollywood clip below!

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