China builds an Island Extending to South China Sea

Over the past year, China has been causing numerous conflicts against its neighboring countries and now, China's back in circulating through the web; when it was reported that they are currently making an landmass covering the reefs building island extensions, currently piling up sand onto the reefs in the South China Sea over the past year with the goal of creating seven new islets in the Chinese region.

As per National Post, other countries are alarmed with China's speed and scale in terms of building the island, as the country announced the creation of the islands in June, moving sediment from sea floor to a reef which would soon be completed.

Director of the Asian Maritime Transparency Initiative at the center of Strategic and International Studies, a Washington research group Mira Rapp-Hooper made an announcement saying:

"The announcement marks a change in diplomatic tone, and indicates that China has reached its scheduled completion on several land reclamation projects and is now moving into the construction phase"

New York Times then reported , though China's expansion is for their country's gain, it is however causing reef damage destroying the marine life that's within the area, the reef destruction will serve as a foundation for new islands causing extensive damage into the Ecosystem. Professor of Biological Oceanography at the University of South Florida, Frank Muller- Karger then expressed his heartfelt sediment stating:

"can wash back into the sea, forming plumes that can smother marine life and could be laced with heavy metals, oil and other chemicals from the ships and shore facilities being built."

He then stated such plumes can threaten the biologically diverse reefs all though out the Spratlys in which he said may problems in surviving the sediment water.

Over the years China has been advanced in terms of technology and economy but the countries advancement would always cause a stir of confilict with its neighboring countries world-wide.

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