Presidential Debate Winner Vote, Today’s Polls Indicate Obama and Romney Tied [Poll for Tonight's Winner]

The presidential debate tonight will aim to differentiate Obama and Romney foreign policies, but a winner for the election is a hard choice. Some polls show Romney leading, while others show Obama in the lead among voters.

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Tonight's debate focuses on foreign policy, including hot issues like the Middle East and China. Obama will be defending his 4-year record, while Romney will need to talk details and plans.

A Gallup poll shows Romney at 51% compared to Obama's 45% among likely voters.

A Politico/George Washington University poll shows 49% for Romney while 47% for Obama. This is a 1% increase for Romney from last week.

A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows Obama and Romney tied at 47% among likely voters. The president however leads by 5 points among registered voters.

Fox News did a poll in several swing states. In Ohio, Obama leads by 3 percent.

Quinnipiac University and CBS News have Obama leading by 5 percent.

According to Rasmussen Reports, polls show Romney at 49% and Obama at 47%.

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