'Diet Sodas' Linked to Depression and Long Term Health Risks

Over the years, soft drinks have been playing a major role on most Americans' diet, adding up to one of the causes of obesity. A 590 ml bottle coke has 240 calories and 240 calories from sugar as well which is more than what the body needs for daily consumption. Not only does it cause obesity, but soft drinks are said to cause major health risks such as fatty liver and diabetes. Though the battle against soft drinks and obesity have been on going over the years, the battle against Diet Soda is also being taken into consideration as it causes major permanent complications on an individual's well-being as well.

Known as one of the most dangerous chemical to be consumed, aspartame is being added to diet sodas to eliminate the usage of sugar. As per the Mercola Website Aspartame causes seizures, numbness, tachycardia, joint pains, heart palpitations, memory loss, vertigo and loss of taste, and this illness are just a few minor of the side effects of aspartame consumption.

The authors of "Prescription for Natural Healing" namely James and Phyllis Balch asses that aspartame is composed of three chemicals: aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol in which they listed aspartame under the category as per report.

Diet Soda is being looked upon as an alternative for people that are striving to lose weight that are craving for a regular soda, thinking it is a healthier option for then not knowing that their diet sodas is doing them more good than bad. As of Authority Nutrition studies have emerged that drinking diet sodas can cause depression and pre-term delivery. It was when they showed a chart stating that 263,925 adults aged from 51-71 who drank diet sodas were 30% more likely to have depression over a period of 10 years; while 59,334 pregnant woman in Denmark consuming 1 diet drink per daw was associated with a 38% increase risk of preterm delivery and those consuming 4 servings a day was increased by 78%.

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