Soybean Oil Health: Obesity And Weight Gain Associated With High Soybean Oil Intake – More Than Coconut Oil [+VIDEO]

A recent study shows that, although a lot has been said about soybean oil's health properties, in fact it might just be the unhealthiest of all vegetable oils, actually leading to more cases of type-2 diabetes and obesity than fructose products.

According to Science Daily, the soybean oil health properties study came from researchers of the University of California, Riverside, and it was published in the latest issue of journal PLOS ONE under the name "Soybean Oil Is More Obesogenic and Diabetogenic than Coconut Oil and Fructose in Mouse: Potential Role for the Liver."

In the first time that fructose oil and soybean oil health properties are compared, it seems like soybean came out very much the loser, after researchers behind the shocking new discoveries studied four different diets through male mice, mimicking different types of American meal programs; one of the groups was given a diet rich in coconut oil, the second group a diet combined between soybean and coconut oils, and the other two groups were fed diets with added fructose.

The university's website reports the soybean oil health findings, and they were pretty shocking: when compared to the mice taking coconut oil, the ones on soybean oil had increased weight gain, a fatty liver with signs of injury, larger fat deposits, diabetes and even insulin resistance, all conditions part of the Metabolic Syndrome.

In fact, the high fructose diet had less severe effects on the body than soybean oil's health properties in the metabolism, although fructose did have more negative effects on the mice's kidneys as well as increasing prolapsed rectums, associated with inflammatory bowel disease.

"This was a major surprise for us," said professor Poonamjot Deol, the study's lead researcher, in a press release, according to Medical Daily "that soybean oil is causing more obesity and diabetes than fructose, especially when you see headlines everyday about the potential role of sugar consumption in the current obesity epidemic."

Researchers recommend soybean oil health properties to be taken at face value without overusing this vegetable oil.

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