WATCH: John Oliver Tackles Food Waste In Latest Video

John Oliver is at it again. The 'Last Week Tonight Host' has just released his latest video expose, where he takes aim at America's shocking wastage of food. Oliver says that Americans throw out nearly a third of all the food they produce, enough to fill nearly 730 football stadiums.

Here are some troubling figures:

As much as 40 percent of the food produced in the U.S. never gets eaten" and "Americans throw away $165 billion worth of food every year," roughly "20 pounds per person every month." How is that possible in a country where so many go hungry? A recent USDA report found that "in 2013, 49.1 million people lived in food-insecure households."

Oliver showed footage of perfectly fine produce and vegetables being chucked into the garbage can like any kind of common trash. Wastage like this comes from a variety of sources. For starters, many companies dispose of food that doesn't look perfect for fear that customers won't purchase them when they hit store shelves. Couple this with confusing and sometimes downright misleading expiration dates, and you have a recipe for a lot of wasted food.

Oliver says that one easy solution America can look to is allowing restaurants and small business to start donating excess food to charities in exchange for tax breaks. It seems like a no brainer idea, but it surprisingly has not yet been routinely done in America because of irregular tax laws.

"Small businesses should get tax incentives to donate food, so we have to find a way to pass that," Oliver says. "But even if we do, it will be one small part of what needs to be a much bigger solution - from resolving to eat uglier fruit to taking expiration dates with a pinch of salt to no longer worrying about getting sued by high-powered lawyers representing the hungry."

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