Ice Cream China: After Inventing It, First Time In History China’s Biggest Ice Cream Market Worldwide!

Even though the ancient Asia country was the one that invented this delicious frozen treat for the summer, ice cream in China hasn't seen the country become the biggest consumer of the product in its history - that is, until right now.

For the first time ever, ice cream in China has become the largest market of its kind in the world, as the Asian nation barely beats the United States as the largest consumer of this dessert in the world, with $11.4 billion worth of sales in the country, barely above the States' $11.2 billion.

According to The Telegraph, these numbers are from 2014, so it's been actually one whole year since the ice cream in China became the biggest market in the world, and it's expected to grow even further during the 2015 summer months, as the U.S. market is expected to reach China's record from last year - though by that point, China will be making $12.6 billion.

This comes from the changing economic system in the country, which sees the Chinese middle class grow and therefore become more capable of making purchases that aren't vital such as buying ice cream in China - all while, across the world, Western countries become more health conscious amid the obesity epidemic and growing related illnesses.

In all, there are more reasons to get ice cream in China these days than there are in the U.S. or other countries in the hemisphere.

Still, Americans eat more ice cream, as they take about 18.4 liters of the dessert per capita yearly, about four times as much as Chinese consumers.

The Grocer reports that, between 2008 and 2014, China's consumption of ice cream has almost doubled, while the U.S. market barely grew by 15 percent during that same period, as each of these countries accounts for about one quarter of the worldwide market, worth a whooping $50 billion.

In other words, these days the people that saw the birth of this classic dessert are beginning to massively enjoy it, as ice cream in China becomes a true sensation!

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