Tom Hiddleston Talks About Gothic Romance in 'Crimson Peak,' Did Guillermo Del Toro Get A Full Body Cast of Jessica Chastain? [VIDEO]

Despite being marketed as a Gothic horror film, the Guillermo del Toro movie 'Crimson Peak' also has the makings of a dark romance. According to stars Tom Hiddleston and Jessica Chastain, the thriller would make a really great date movie.

"It's romantic and scary, so it's the perfect date movie," Chastain told Yahoo Movies. "You go with your love or your wannabe love, and then right when it's getting romantic, you kind of cuddle, and then when it's scary, you cuddle more."

Hiddleston added, "They could put that on the poster! 'Crimson Peak: The Cuddle Movie!'"

The actors may joking about the romantic part of the film, but io9 recently spoke to Hiddleston and Chastain to ask whether the movie features incest, a body cast of Chastain and difficult scenes that led to an R-Rating.

Hiddleston reacted instantly when asked about a possible incest between Thomas Sharpe and his sister Lucille.

"The thing about gothic romance is, there's always a sexuality at play, and incest has been something that's been hinted at by other novels in the genre," he said. "But I'm not going to lay it on with anything too hard for you guys."

Chastain also confirmed rumors that the director made a full body cast of her. "I think with Guillermo's films, he makes a full-body cast of everyone," she said. "I mean, maybe I'm mistaken."

She later added, "I think it's just that Guillermo started in makeup, and anything he can do for that, he does. So we have the option."

However, the stars kept refused to elaborate on the scenes that have pushed 'Crimson Peak' to receive a hard R-rating. "There were some hard scenes," was all Tom Hiddleston would say.

'Crimson Peak' also stars Mia Wasikowska and Charlie Hunnam. The film is scheduled for release on October 16, 2015.

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