School Bans Spicy Doritos Roulette After Student Stops Breathing [PHOTOS]

George Pindar School in Scarborough, North Yorkshire has banned bags of Doritos Roulette which are 10 times hotter than jalapeno chillis, after they affected a student's breathing.

The new chips contain a mixture of regular chips and extra-spicy ones which makers boast 'will leave you close to tears.'

A school spokesman said in a statement that they they brought in the ban "after an incident with a student where they had experienced some difficulty breathing after eating one."

"The student had a pre-existing respiratory condition which clearly made them sensitive to the 'hot' element of the Doritos chip."

The chips were launched back in April and one in every handful is coated with a fiery flavoring which measures 78,000 units on the Scoville Heat Scale - a Scotch Bonnet pepper rates between 100,000 to 350,000.

The other chips in the packet are a much cooler tangy cheese flavor, making each bag like a game of Russian roulette for your tastebuds.

A Doritos spokesperson said: "We were sorry to hear about what happened. We do warn people to expect a seriously spicy experience with Doritos Roulette and we make this clear on the pack."

"The front of the pack states 'Warning: Some of these chips are ultra spicy,' while we also say that Doritos Roulette are not recommended for young children," the spokesperson added.

When the Doritos Roulette was launched, Doritos marketing manager Michael Walford said: "There’s a warning on the pack for a reason – the invisible hot chips are exactly that."

"They’re hotter than most of the spiciest dishes out there so you’re going to want to have a glass of milk at the ready in case you get one!"

Despite the warning, people are still very curious about the new chips and are still interested on purchasing some bags of Doritos Roulette to try it themselves.

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