A group of masters students has just invented the FoPo, food powder that is made from expired produce. The creation aims to accomplish two things: ending world hunger and lessening food waste each year.
Do you know? #fopo #foodpowder #fighthunger #food #foodies #startup #weconservefood
A photo posted by Food Powder (@hellofopo) on May 20, 2015 at 5:57pm PDT
In fact, the United Nations reports that approximately 1.76 billion tons of food is squandered every year. This equates to $750 billion worth of wasted food yearly.
Mashable also adds that there are two main reasons as to why food is wasted in the world. It's either people prepare more than what's enough or necessary, or the food is unused by the time its expiration comes.
The technology behind FoPo Food Powder comes from the compilation of inexpensive and almost expired produce. It is then "spray [dried]" into powder form in order to prolong its self life for an additional two years.
Come join us saving the world! We are a group of food nerdies trying to solve the world's biggest problem: hunger. We're planning to save the world with nothing more than just almost expired produces. Sounds impossible? We don't think so. We believe that it'll be incredible! Find more about us and be involved! (Check bio please) #fopo #foodpowder #fighthunger #food #foodies #startup #weconservefood A photo posted by Food Powder (@hellofopo) on May 20, 2015 at 6:12pm PDT
The company behind FoPo actually coins it as "taking dumpster diving to the next level." Gerald Marin and Vita Jarolimkova, food innovation and product design students, and Kent Ngo, a mechanical engineering student, he geniuses behind FoPo.
The idea came to the three students back in December last year. Food innovation classmates Lizzie Cabisidan and Ada Balazy also hopped on the project with Marin, Jarolimkova, and Ngo.
How sad... #fopo #foodpowder #fighthunger #food #foodies #startup #weconservefood
A photo posted by Food Powder (@hellofopo) on May 20, 2015 at 6:07pm PDT
"[We are] not into using a new product or new technology, [but] creating value out of the inefficiency of the food system," said Marin. He also told Mashable, "The innovation of our business is that we are getting the expired fruits and vegetables."
FoPo Food Powder comes in three tasty and fruity flavors such as banana, raspberry and mango. The brand will also be releasing a pineapple flavor soon.
We love in a world with 6 billion people in now, and 11% of us are living with starvation. We will have 9 billion people in the span of 30 years, how many of us should live in hunger? It's not far from now, that's why we have to act now! #fopo #foodpowder #fighthunger #foodie #startup #weconservefood A photo posted by Food Powder (@hellofopo) on May 28, 2015 at 2:22pm PDT
What's great about this innovative food technology is that it can be topped on various meals like yogurt, smoothies, or anything with regard to baking as an additive. Not only that, but the food powder also maintains 30-80% of its nutritional value.
It would come to no surprise if FoPo soon becomes a household name. The company has already won the Ben & Jerry's Join Our Core crowdfunding event, in addition to bagging the runner-up position in the Thought For Food Summit. FoPo Food is presently a finalist in MassChallenge, a startup accelerator.
Thought for Food has gone and done it again! They just donated $1500 to our kickstarter campagin!!! Another fantastic...
Posted by FoPo Food Powder on Wednesday, July 8, 2015
FoPo also launched a Kickstarter campaign in May this year. 160 backers have already pledged kr219,786 SEK for the project, going way beyond their kr180,000 goal.
Backers who have also donated $11.85 are expected to receive 20g of FoPo Food Powder from the company on October this year.
FoPo will soon be changing the world, as it has already gained support from the Philippine government and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. FoPo is currently doing a "pilot run" in the tropical country, which donates excess pineapples and mangoes for FoPo's trial batch.