Michigan Ends Prison Food Deal With Aramark

Michigan has finally decided to end their prison food deal with Aramark Correctional Services. They went on with it after not minding what officials and unions are telling them about the problem with their food contract.

The state announced on Monday that they are now ending their contract of three years and 18 months with the food provider earlier than they have agreed. The Detroit Free Press said that the state is just moving to a new provider.

The state and the company said that ending the business was a mutual decision made by both parties. There were a lot of issues that were raised with their food provision like shortages on food, maggots being present in the kitchen area up to drugs smuggling and even sexual involvement of Aramark employees to inmates.

Michigan's new deal with another vendor was reported to be more expensive. Critics are suggesting to just have state employees go back to work since they are more disciplined than the ones from Aramark who they paid $11 per hour.

There were about 176 Aramark employees that were banned in the premise and were also terminated due to their unprofessionalism and other illegal doings. One was even found to have allegedly hired a prisoner just to have another inmate destroyed.

The Michigan Free Press reported a recent incident that just happened this 7th of July where an Aramark staff admitted smuggling tobacco and being involved in sexual acts inside a prison cooler. She also said she was asked to take in some drugs but eventually didn't agree with it.

It was obvious how all of this has gone out of hand that state's decision was just valid. In fact, a lot of people are saying that they should have done it a long time ago. Many are hoping that everything would be back to normal with their new vendor.

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