John Oliver YouTube: ‘Last Week Tonight’ Takes On Whoopi Goldberg’s Cosby Defense – Whoopi Will Defend Anything! [VIDEO]

In the year that has seen the "Daily Show" alum become HBO's talk show host, John Oliver's YouTube channel has become a go-to place for Monday mornings, showing the latest from "Last Week Tonight," as weekly he takes on monologues about important and relevant subjects - with the funniest twists!

Although best known for his FIFA comments since the World Cup, John Oliver's YouTube channel is filled with fantastic insight on some of the most talked about and even controversial subjects of the week, and this time it includes how Oscar-winning actress and comedian Whoopi Goldberg, currently a co-host in "The View," has constantly defended Bill Cosby during the sexual assault scandal that has followed him for months.

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, it'd been a quiet few days for John Oliver on YouTube, as he had taken a week off from the show, only to come back with a vengeance, explaining some of the things Goldberg has defended in the past.

As The Daily Beast reports, Goldberg, a personal friend of Cosby's, has been his most vocal supporter during the ordeal that has seen dozens of women step forward to tell similar stories about having been sexually assaulted by the legendary comedian - and John Oliver's YouTube video aims at showing that perhaps the actress' opinion on controversial matters such as this one isn't the best source of logic.

Raw Story reports that the new John Oliver YouTube video is a compilation of past statements made by the actress and talk show host, a very brief segment where Goldberg's views on some controversial subjects are explained, including defending Chris Brown during the Rihanna domestic violence controversy and saying that director Roman Polanski's actions towards a teenage girl in the 70s weren't "rape-rape."

The latest John Oliver YouTube segment is called "Whoopi Goldberg defends ten strange things," and it also includes the CIA's use of torture and Mel Gibson.

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