Uber And Tesla Might Team Up, Taxi App Wants EVERY Elon Musk’s Self-Driving Car By 2020

Elon Musk is arguably this generation's biggest visionary, having been a crucial part in some of the biggest companies in the past 10 years, including Paypal and SpaceX, as well as the leader in electric cars, Tesla Motors - and now it seems there's one company willing to come along for the ride, as Uber's Tesla intentions become known.

Taxi and logistics app Uber has been the focus of protests in different parts of the world over supposedly not playing a fair game in the unionized world of taxi-driving, but the future looks much more high tech if Uber and Tesla do end up partnering in future years.

According to Yahoo! News, Uber's Tesla plea is simple as Travis Kalanick, the CEO of the taxi app, has just publicly asked Musk and the rest of the team at Tesla Motors to sell him half a million of their self-driving cars as soon as the technology is available.

Back in 2014, Musk famously told The Wall Street Journal that his electric car company would be able to build self-driving cars in fully automated fashion by 2020, prompting Uber's Tesla plea now, as the company encounters problems with taxicab drivers throughout the globe, from Paris to Mexico City.

As BGR reports, a partnership between Uber and Tesla could have Musk's company making billions, as Kalanick has stated the company would want to purchase every self-driving car Tesla has to offer in five years, after Musk has said they were planning 500,000 cars of these nature - vehicles that will reportedly also be 10 times safer that cars driven by humans.

The original report came from ChargedEvs, when it was reported that Tesla Motors' board member Steve Jurvetson had spoken to Kalanick - and although the Uber CEO is yet to confirm this, it would make sense with Uber's business model.

If the technology really is feasible, there could be Uber Tesla cars automatically driving users to their destinations in five years!

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